Friday, July 08, 2005

Should Undocumented Immigrants Have Access to In-State Tuition?

Policy Matters, vol 2 no 6
Immigration issues have become controversial in recent years due to the influx of immigrants into the United States and fear over security and safety post-9/11. From driver’s licenses to welfare—these issues have caused emotional debate as both sides wrangle over the rights and needs of immigrants. Since 2001, state legislatures have been battling another contentious issue – whether to provide undocumented students who have lived in this country for many years a chance at an affordable college education. It’s a subject that heats up each legislative session in as many as twenty states across the country. Fights have been so ugly that legislators have received threatening messages, been lambasted on the radio and removed their sponsorship of the bills.
In the last five years, nine states passed legislation allowing undocumented immigrants to receive in-state tuition.
